Please help Sheryll Cortezano and her family and mini-shelter

Fundraising campaign by Leslie Matura
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    raised of ₱150,000.00 goal goal
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Sheryll Cortezano is a single mom raising 3 kids and lots of rescued animals - those who were abandoned, neglected, abused or in high kill shelters. Theirs is a quiet family with a big heart for animals and animal advocacy, with constant needs but very limited resources. With the start of the rainy season in the Philippines, it brought more difficulties and challenges to their family and their animal mini-shelter. I have seen her post videos and pictures of how their mini-shelter and house drastically need to be repaired and what their dire needs are - food for them and their rescued animals, overdue utility and vet bills, medications for special needs animals they rescued as well as school-related needs of her children, all of which are overwhelming for Sheryll who does not have a secure and regular means of sustaining these. Just this week, I came to know from her that she and her kids are sick. Which propelled me to take action in setting up this fundraising campaign to help her raise the needed funds. With her consent, I am posting this and praying you'll be moved to help them and their animal shelter. Please donate directly to her BDO account: BDO acct# 007570044166, Acct. name Sheryll L. Cortezano


A simple person with a simple dream for me and my family

A simple person with a simple dream for me and my family

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raised of ₱150,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities