Please help to return money

Fundraising campaign by Nazar Havrushko
  • US$0.00
    raised of $10,305.00 goal goal
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Raised offline: $24.00
Total: $24.00
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Hi there!

My name is Nazar, I'm from Lviv,Ukraine, I'm 29 years old. I have successfully worked for more than 3 years in a fuel sales company selling Inter Card coupons(on photo).

Unfortunately, the company started having problems more than six months ago, and now, when the country is at war, it can be considered that the company is shutting down. The funds of my clients and my friends that I have brought to the company are frozen and probably will not be returned to their owners. The total amount of funds only for my clients is UAH 765,250 ($ 23,914).

On my own initiative and with my own funds, I started to return the money, hoping for support from the company, but unfortunately they did not help. As of today, I have returned UAH 435,520 ($ 13,610), borrowing money and losing my job.

I sincerely apologize for my request, but please help me get money back. Most of my clients ensure the functioning of the city from the supply of products to the sale of utensils and regular transportation between cities.

At such a difficult time, I feel guilty about them and ask for help. I can say with confidence that the funds will be transferred directly to the victims, and these donations will be worked back by me later and I will return them to the owners or will be donated by me on this site, with screenshots.

Needed 10305$ !
pay pal - [email protected]
Overpaid donations will go to humanitarian aid, also with screenshots.

Thanks! I believe on power of internet and humanity support.


fuel coupon

I will send one fuel coupon you have seen from the picture above like a souvenir


  • Nazar Havrushko

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raised of $10,305.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors
Raised offline: $24.00
Total: $24.00

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