Please Help Me For My Dog Athena Medication

Fundraising campaign by ian Cano
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Raised offline: $10,000.00
Total: $10,000.00
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Hello Everyone. My Dog named Athena she is suffering from Canine Distemper. Distemper is a highly contagious and serious viral disease that affects dogs.

It's been a long time for me to have such a cute puppy, her name is ATHENA. She was a late daughter of my dog Trixie, Athena is one of 8 puppies who survive due to PARVO and yet her mom also died. she is alone now and she accepted him as our family member. He's so familiar with us and our surroundings. But I started noticing some unfamiliar activities in him from past few days. We had him to the veteran and we got to know that she's sick. I don't want to loose him at any cost, I love him so much and I'm giving my best to look after him. But the Vet told me to admit her but i dont have any extra money so i decided to make a remedy but she still not okay. After few more days of of observation her sick still got worsened. for those who are kind hearted and pet lover like me please help me


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Raised offline: $10,000.00
Total: $10,000.00

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