Please help me and my children to survive

Fundraising campaign by Roxana Dolha
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During the last 3 years Roxana's medical bills have been mounting up. My husband was very sick during this time . I and the children are not well and she suffering from deep depression, fighting with daily needs. I graduate University Babes Bolyai in Cluj Napoca , in Romania, as social worker in an orphanage and catholic religion teacher, but now I’m in a very bad situation . My two children 15 years and 13 ! they are learning in German School very well and they are ministrants at the altar every day because we are catholic “ practicant “ we call this to go every day at missa at the church ! My son wants to become priest since he was 3 years old, please believe I pray for this every day ! They need to go back to school, but I cannot buy and pay all that they need , it’s a tragedy. I cannot manage anymore now and go out from this situation to pay back all that we spent at the doctors. All this financial problems involved all the family, I want to tell you that God blessed us with so good children : they knew so well all this and want only to could be able to pay back all, they don’t ask anything , only to go to school. Here in our country at new year, the priest and children went in catholic people homes to “ saint “ the homes with water and people give money to the children , all the money that our children received they pay to school and gave me even my boy wanted for him so much a guitar , If you could imagine this ! I cannot forget that at Christmas when was Christmas Eve, I was at the church with the children, when we came back the ambulance was at our flat, taking my husband, a neighbor called the ambulance. The children remained was very shocked, remained alone at home, they don’t know what to do: to eat Christmas dinner alone, to open the presents, or what ? I could come home only in midnight. So all of these are I have to carry and keep with calm, I don’t know how long . I want to beg you again to help me and my children to " survive " ( I really can say this, because I feel like an illness , a pain in my head and stomach thinking what we'll do tomorrow ). My children started the school very sad: I bought for them only a skirt and a jacket ( from a second hand shop ),it was a lucky that the color was almost the same !! I haven't money for the uniform . We use the old notebooks taking of the used pages, we bought a pair of old books from older children, but they need the rest. Please read again all our story, please give us this chance, please give them the chance to have all the books they need, the chance to go to swim once a week, ( actually it's a dream for them ! ) please help us now


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