Funding a startup ecommerce business

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Hi, my name is Oualid, i live in Morocco and i am 29 years old.

My story goes at this,13 april 2019 i was married to the most beautiful woman i know we had our life going perfectly and we had dreams as everyone in this planet. We than planned to go to china as we both have bachelors in business management we wanted to get some chinese experience and so we applied to go and we were admitted and we took our flight on the 28th August 2019.

It was an experience that had it's difficulties but we managed to get it done until covid came and we had to back to our country with practically nothing but we managed to get jobs on french call centers to keep up with our life charges until covid got to our country and we still got our jobds untill two months now they couldn't manage to get us working from home so they just released as many people as possible so they can stay working with half the effective.

We never gave up so we had the idea of starting an online business to honor our dettes and our life charges as a married couple,we studied the local market and our competitors, but oir financial situation is blocking us from launching and we couldn't get help elsewhere. We've been studying erything about e-commerce platforms, social marketing and tools, we have bachelors degrees in management and even had some of my friends who offered us a 1000dollars worth of courses on online businesses that really helped us understand the process.

Please don't read this and go, if you can help with anyway possible please contact me or donate, you'll be helping a young couple achieving there dreams of having a better life.

Your support is precious to us, and could change our life so thank you in advance.

Stay safe.


  • Oualid Elouahbi
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $5,000.00 goal
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