Help us raise our rescued furbabies

Fundraising campaign by Babaji Bautista
  • ₱0.00
    Donated So Far
Raised offline: ₱100.00
Total: ₱100.00

The campaign owner has stopped the page from accepting further donations. Please contact them if you'd still like to donate

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Animals do need shelter where they can stay. I can provide a home for them but I can't fund for all the needs of my fur babies specially now that our family is getting bigger.

We're asking for your help. We are in need of cages, food, vitamins and/or financial assistance...any donations will be very much appreciated.

Please help us raise more animals.

Thank you so much.

Sincerely yours,



Singer, Teacher, Entrepreneur, Nurse and Animal Lover

Singer, Teacher, Entrepreneur, Nurse and Animal Lover

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Donated So Far
Raised offline: ₱100.00
Total: ₱100.00

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities

Help this ongoing fundraising campaign by making a donation and spreading the word.

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