Setting up of indoor farms in semi-arid areas

Fundraising campaign by Brenda Onyiego
  • US$0.00
    raised of $1,000.00 goal goal
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I hope this mail finds you well. I am the CEO to ZIZI farm Kenya. We are an indoor farm that utilizes vertical farming techniques to grow and produce vegetables through out the year. W e set up free indoor farms around the country to help people suffering from hunger and malnutrition. We have set up 5 indoor farms so far. Each indoor farm requires $50 to set up. Our indoor farms use vertical growing techniques to grow and produce vegetable.The indoor farms use 805less water to grow and produce food. Our mail goal is to fight hunger and malnutrition and through your help we can achieve that. Thank you for your consideration.

Thank you


  • Brenda Onyiego
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $1,000.00 goal
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