Pancho’s nose surgery

  • US$50.00
    raised of $4,000.00 goal goal
1% Funded
3 Donors
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Queridos amigos, familiares y personas compasivas, espero que este mensaje los encuentre bien y quiero extenderles mi más sincero agradecimiento por tomarse el tiempo de leer nuestra historia.

Nuestras vidas dieron un giro inesperado cuando un perro mordió y arrancó trágicamente la nariz de mi amado hijo. Este horrible incidente nos ha dejado en una situación que nunca imaginamos y ahora pedimos ayuda a usted. El impacto: El dolor físico y emocional que está soportando mi hijo es inimaginable. Ha demostrado una fuerza y una resiliencia increíbles a lo largo de esta terrible experiencia, pero el camino hacia la recuperación es desafiante. Su confianza, autoestima y bienestar general se han visto profundamente afectados por este evento que cambió su vida.

Desafortunadamente, nuestro seguro no cubre la cirugía requerida para reconstruir la nariz de mi hijo. Este procedimiento es crucial no sólo para su salud física sino también para su curación emocional y psicológica. Estamos comprometidos a brindarle la oportunidad de recuperar su sentido de normalidad y seguridad en sí mismo. Su apoyo: Aquí es donde su generosidad y compasión entran en juego. Humildemente pedimos su apoyo para recaudar fondos para la cirugía que cambiará la vida de mi hijo. Cada dólar donado contribuirá directamente a sus gastos médicos, incluido el procedimiento quirúrgico, la atención de seguimiento y la rehabilitación.

Dear friends, family, and compassionate individuals,

I hope this message finds you well, and I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for taking the time to read our story. Our lives took an unexpected turn when my beloved son's nose was tragically bitten and ripped off by a dog.

This horrific incident has left us in a situation we never imagined, and we are now reaching out to you for help.

The physical and emotional pain my son is enduring is unimaginable. He has shown incredible strength and resilience throughout this ordeal, but the road to recovery is challenging. His confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being have been deeply affected by this life-altering event.

Unfortunately, the surgery required to reconstruct my son's nose is not covered by our insurance. This procedure is crucial not only for his physical health but also for his emotional and psychological healing. We are committed to giving him a chance to regain his sense of normalcy and self-assurance.

This is where your generosity and compassion come into play. We are humbly asking for your support to raise funds for my son's life-changing surgery. Every dollar donated will directly contribute to his medical expenses, including the surgical procedure, follow-up care, and rehabilitation.

How You Can Help: Donate: Your contribution, no matter the amount, will make a significant difference in my son's life.

Please share our campaign with your network. Spreading the word can lead to more support and hope for my son.

We are committed to keeping you informed about our progress. Regular updates on my son's journey and how your donations are being used will be shared with all our supporters.

In times of adversity, the kindness and generosity of others shine brightly. We believe in the goodness of humanity and hope that you will join us in this mission to restore my son's smile and help him heal both physically and emotionally.

Thank you from the depths of our hearts for considering our plea. Your support means everything to us.

With immense gratitude, Tatiana and Pancho



  • Yurin Martínez
  • Donated on Sep 13, 2023
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Sep 13, 2023
  • Le deseo una pronta recuperanción. Dios los bendiga.

  • Viviana Panay
  • Donated on Sep 05, 2023

No updates for this campaign just yet

Donors & Comments

3 donors
  • Yurin Martínez
  • Donated on Sep 13, 2023
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Sep 13, 2023
  • Le deseo una pronta recuperanción. Dios los bendiga.

  • Viviana Panay
  • Donated on Sep 05, 2023


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raised of $4,000.00 goal
1% Funded
3 Donors

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