Palestine’s street animals: Please help me to survive. we want to live. We need your help.

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You know that the possibilities in Palestine are very few, so we need your support

Each year a variety of reasons; Hundreds of unclaimed stray animals are dying. During the winter months many unclaimed stray animals are dying of hunger and cold. You need your help with the street animals' chances of survival Please help to save the lives of stray animals

In some cases these animals are being abandoned in remote areas or are left in vacated homes or apartments. Pets are domesticated animals that have great difficulty fending for themselves. If released outside they will have problems finding food and water.

They will feel cold, discomfort, loneliness, hunger and pain. Abandoned pets may be attacked by other animals, hit by vehicles or contract diseases

Without question, abandonment is cruel and inhumane

And worse

helpless stray animals in the region where we live

At the beginning of the mountain; in need of food and water; there are hundreds of angels abandoned to death

And the needs of these angels water, we have to provide food and medical aid

The situation is very bad in shelters.

On the one hand we are trying to meet the needs of animal

On the other hand; The cruelty to animals, we're fighting against people who killed

We're trying to save the lives of homeless animals We try to offer a better life to stray animals Animals in need until you have life they deserve We will continue to work with our own facilities and help with Now let's give these animals a chance to liveThey are part of the world The are a we live in now has many homeless dogs that need help We know I can't help them all, but we are trying to make a difference to the lives of as many as I possibly can

The key to stopping the problem of homeless dogs and cats , that usually have to suffer a life of sickness and scavenging for food, is spaying and neutering. we are trying to spay, neuter and vaccinate as many dogs as possible.


  • Mohammed Abu shaqfa
  • Student

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