Our Little Fighter Timothy Zionel Needs Your Help

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Hello! My name is Timothy Zionel Betilez. I am born on September 2, 2019, via CS section. Both my parents are very happy because they thought that their youngest baby and their last child (Mom had a tubal ligation along with CS) is strong and healthy. However, after 24 hours at the NICU, the doctors that are checking me observed that I am having a hard time breathing and that I have lots of secretions coming out from my nose and mouth. The doctors then decided to have me X-Rayed, that's when they found out that I have Neonatal Pneumonia. They put me on a course of antibiotics and oxygen treatment so I can get enough oxygen naturally. They thought that I would recover after these measures but things got worst on my third day at the NICU. I am pale and had started to breathe heavily again. The doctors who checked on me took ABG tests and found out that I also have Respiratory Acidosis on top of my Pneumonia. This means that my lungs can't remove enough Carbon Dioxide that is produced by my body. It can be fatal so the doctors ordered that I need a CPAP to help send little pressure to my lungs to stimulate it from functioning properly. The hospital that I am in doesn't have this breathing machine so my dad has to go and rent one to another hospital. It was near midnight when the machine arrived so everyone was so worried about me. My mom who's still having a hard time standing was there to watch me. The doctors allowed her in the NICU because they thought that I wouldn't survive the night. When the machine was properly installed, they told her that I am already breathing fine so she and daddy should get some rest too. Mom and Dad thought that the worst is finally over but come morning, one of my doctors went to her room to tell her that I need to undergo an operation. I had another chest Xray in the morning and they found that small bags have exploded in my lungs so it is filled with fluid. The fluids need to be drained right away so the operation should be done immediately. My parents' hearts are crushed but they agreed on an operation just to save me.

They prayed so hard so I can win my battle. We are so blessed that God has answered everyone's prayers. Now, I'm on my way to recovery.
I am almost done fighting my battles but my parents are not yet halfway through theirs. My doctors said that I can already go home a few days from now but I might stay a bit longer because my parents don't have any money left for my hospital bills. They are prepared for my Mom's CS operation and tubal ligation but all the money that they have (Php85,000/ $1700) was used for my medical needs. The oxygen alone costs Php2000/4hrs ($40), ABG test kits cost Php1500 ($30) and the doctors need one every after 2 hrs, plus other medications and stuff that we can't borrow from the hospital pharmacy. Since they don't have enough money left, Mom and Dad have borrowed from family and friends so they can pay her medical bills. Now, my partial medical expenses have already reached Php220,000/$4,400 and our entire savings are wiped out as they still call Mom and Dad now and then for ABG Kits and other things that I needed. We have already exhausted everything but the money that we have collected from family and friends is not enough given that my expenses are still on-going. We are desperately asking for your help. We appreciate any amount that you can give and we will be forever grateful. Thank you so much!

Allen Betilez 09292050274

Anne Betilez 09274567179


  • Maria Angelica Betilez
  • Campaign Owner

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