Orphans with smile

Fundraising campaign by Mayambala Jamada
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Orphans with smile is a campaign created with an aim of helping these young Angels named KYEWALYANGA Hassan , SEEKABILA ADAM and NANDUJJA SHADIA. Who we're dumped by their parents . 3 years ago this family was happy but due to covid 19 crisis the head of the family left them because of too much responsibility yet he was not working that's led to the woman also quit to the children because of having nothing for them like food, health care, clothes yet they were renting . So per now these children are living with their grandmother yet she's also not in good condition their lacking food , clothes, shoes, health care, financial support,and place to stay because their grandmother is renting yet her business is lacking capital .thats why we're seeking some donations so that we share smile with these orphans remember just different colour but one blood let the almighty God bless whoever has joined this campaign and reward you abandantly


Am Mayambala JAMADA, working as social worker with an aim of helping orphans, elderly people, youths and adults with disabilities .(one love all)

Am Mayambala JAMADA, working as social worker with an aim of helping orphans, elderly people, youths and adults with disabilities .(one love all)

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raised of $5,000.00 goal
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