Retuning the World.

  • US$45.00
    raised of $25,000.00 goal goal
0% Funded
3 Donors

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If you don’t like the station you are listening to on the radio then you change it. That simple. But what about the often desperate situation in the world? If only such a simple solution were possible.

Humankind is at a tipping point in its evolutionary process - at a stage when we have the capability to completely erase all life on this fragile planet of ours. We’ve been fighting each other for thousands of years now and we’re well practiced at warefare – our weapons increasingly effective.

The great scientist Albert Einstein thought that we were actually born with a destructive gene – that it is our natural instinct to wage wars. He said: I know not which weapons World War 111 will be fought, but World War 1V will be fought with stick and stones.

In a world where nearly a billion people go hungry, we spend a total of around 4 billion dollars every single day on military expenditure to “defend” ourselves from each other. Every single day! Surely this is insane? And then, on top of that, we dump our refuse in the oceans, pollute the skies and cut down our forests. We must seriously ask ourselves just what we think we’re doing,

It is essential that we get to the CAUSE of our problems and that is our misdirected MINDSET - the defective way of thinking of so many of us - because If we don’t address the cause, then we’re limited to dealing with effects and we all know what they are: eternal wars, exploitation, greed, corruption, pollution ……. A long list.

Einstein realized that the usual ways of dealing with our problems just won’t work anymore. He said: “We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive,” My project reflects this new thinking.

Three decades ago I started to write a book. That’s a long time of course, but there was no rush – I just let the book slowly simmer and develop in my mind. It’s about freedom: how we have become blinded to our possibilities in life and consequently imprisoned - unable to escape our self-created limitations.

But during the long drawn out "simmering" process, the scope of the book expanded…….and as I wrote I found myself creating a project that will eventually involve 420 million people in 60 countries around the world! That sounds insane – such an enormous undertaking, but amazingly it IS possible……essential even.

Imagine that a large part of the world became infected with a deadly virus and our civilization was faced with extinction. But then a few doctors discovered a miracle cure. There would immediately be queues around the block of course ….people would be fighting for the chance to be cured.

But what if I told you that there is a cure for all the pain and suffering in the world today? The constant wars, bigotry and hate that infects the planet? You’ve heard that one before of course – yet another New Age Guru……. and anyway, we need to be strong to protect ourselves from our enemies. We need to defend our way of life from the terrorists, spies and outsiders who don’t share our values. But it is THIS attitude that is the virus that we are infected with and unless we really can find a cure for it then I don’t give much for our chances.

But there really IS a cure. We can actually create a critical mass of positive energy that is powerful enough to sweep out hatred, greed and violence in the world…and that includes even the most deeply entrenched negativity: a statement that is based on well-researched scientific analysis

Meditation has been around for thousands of years and was always thought of as an obscure “Eastern” spiritual practice with no real application to the modern world. But about 50 years ago scientists started to investigate the effects of meditation on the brain. It seemed that the practice not calmed the mind and eliminated stress. Doctors then found that meditation caused blood pressure to decrease, the immune system to be strengthened and that the general health of a meditator was improved - their minds more alert and positive.

In one experiment that was held in one of India’s toughest jails, meditation courses were introduced for the prisoners. The effects were as dramatic as they were almost unbelievable. Rapists, murderers, drug dealers and even terrorists, became calm, repentant and at peace both with themselves and the world about them. They started flower gardens and even taught meditation to others. The transformation was dramatic. In fact the project was so successful that meditation programs were subsequently introduced into prisons in other parts of the world including the United States and the United Kingdom.

Meditation literally “heals” the mind. Perhaps even more amazing is that someone meditating creates positive energy fields that then affect others. In one landmark experiment carried out in Washington DC under scientific supervision, 4,000 people meditating together for several weeks were able to significantly reduce overall crime rates in Washington.

Scientific analysis has revealed significant “rewiring” of the brain becoming apparent after only eight weeks of meditation – a gradual physical restructuring that allows for an increasing improvement in both our general physiology and our ability to “cope” with life. But perhaps “enjoy” is a far better word. It almost sounds too good to be true.

Steve Jobs meditated to clear his mind. Wall Street Bankers meditate to make their minds sharper and everybody from Oprah Winfrey to Katy Perry , Sir Richard Branson, Paul McCartney and Tim Cook, who runs Apple, practice it daily. In fact Jason Calacamis, a big time angel investor, thinks that meditation will become bigger than yoga. Why? Simple…… works!

Get enough people together in a synchronized program of meditation and you could literally transform the world by positively "retuning" our collective consciousness. I mentioned 420 million people…that’s a lot of people, but still only about one third of registered Facebook users worldwide.

The odds though are formidable of course, but a few years ago I completely changed my life - or, rather, life completely changed me - and I decided to do something for humanity that seemed completely beyond my capacity....I was, after all, just one person.……….

“Some believe there is nothing one man or one woman can do against the enormous army of the world’s ills – against misery, against ignorance, or injustice and violence, yet many of the world’s great movements, of thought and action, have flowed from the work of a single person.”

Robert Kennedy. Atty, General of the United States and brother of President John F Kennedy.

It isn't just me though since we are all that single lone person, Together though, we are a potent force of great influence.

I am asking for help with the funding for the first stage of this project. During this time I will be assembling a team of experts in various fields to assist me and constructing an interactive website and app that will allow people worldwide to register, get regularly updated information and also communicate with each other in real time.

Obviously I will eventually need big time funding as this project gradually goes global, but since the project is for the benefit of humankind in general then the fact that 420 million people will eventually become involved strongly indicates that large corporations would easily see the benefits of sponsorship. I should point out though that this project is non-profit……..profitable for the world in general of course, but not for my individual needs.

The project will start with two countries - the United States and the U.K. - and will require the initial registration of a core membership in the program of 32,000 people in the US and 6,500 people in the UK. Each person would then subsequently form small support groups of five other people. This cellular expansion model would be repeated with each of the five members recruiting five others. This step would again be repeated and then, lastly a final tier of four recruits would be enrolled. A spiritual Ponzi scheme in fact!

In this manner, there would eventually be 650,000 people in the UK and 3,200,000 in the US involved – all linked by app and website and all able to communicate with each other in real time. This process will be repeated two countries at a time until all 60 countries are involved.

You may find out more about me at:-


A pdf copy of my book will be e mailed to all donors of five dollars or more.

1 Backers

a signed and dedicated copy of my book delivered to your door.

0 Backers


  • John Nicholas Stoodley


  • Deborah Devar
  • Donated on Oct 21, 2016
  • Together we will each achieve more.

  • Heather Wallace
  • Donated on Oct 13, 2016
  • Best wishes on this endeavor John!


No updates for this campaign just yet

Donors & Comments

3 donors
  • Deborah Devar
  • Donated on Oct 21, 2016
  • Together we will each achieve more.

  • Heather Wallace
  • Donated on Oct 13, 2016
  • Best wishes on this endeavor John!



Deborah Devar
Elaine Dahlgren
Peter Fritz Walter
raised of $25,000.00 goal
0% Funded
3 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities