New drums!

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I've been a drummer since I was very little. It's in my blood by many generations in my family tree and I can see I'm really learning fast and I'm becoming a better drummer as time goes by. I've finally capped out my skills on my current drumset and I can feel that I can do better and improve but my current drumset is limiting me. It's a fairly cheap drumset and my parents can't really afford a better one since I live in Bulgaria and it's one of the poorest countries...I'd love to open a door for someone who really believes that they can help me by raising a couple of funds and this is what this fund raiser is all about. If there are any money left after I buy my dream drumset, I'll donate them to my friend and some other people that I know.


I love giving...but sometimes I don't have enough to give...

I love giving...but sometimes I don't have enough to give...

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raised of $5,000.00 goal
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