Need help to pay rent

Fundraising campaign by Eman Macs
  • > ₿ 0.00000000
    = US$0.00
    raised of $850.00 goal goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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Hi this is Em, I live in the Philippines. I am currently waiting for my start in my new work which will be on May 9 2024, and it's almost been 2 months since we last had income. I have a pregnant wife in which she will give birth in this coming July and I am the only one who can work but since we have no income for the past 2 months, we have to pay our rent so that we can continue living here in our apartment and we can't also afford to move to another one since we have no cash as well. All the money that we saved was spent on her medicines and other necessities like food and hygiene products, I have no regrets spending it since it was for the betterment of our coming baby. I'm humbly asking for any help from the heart, any amount will do, for us to continue living and continue taking care of our baby. I thank you all for the incoming help.


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₿ 0
= US$0.00

This figure is calculated based on the market price of Bitcoin at the time of donation

of goal: ₿0.01291907 / $850.00
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities