Help my family get out of Gaza war

Fundraising campaign by Hashem Abu nada
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Greetings, I am Abdulrahman Abu Nada, a proud father and husband. Our family of four, my wife, our son, and our precious daughter Farah, have always lived a simple, peaceful life. We are civilians, unaffiliated with any organization, and our world revolved around work and family. However, we were thrust into a war that we had no part in, disrupting our peaceful existence.

Our darling Farah, a 7-year-old angel, is battling a genetic disorder known as Sanfilippo type b. This condition severely impacts her health, particularly in unhealthy living conditions. The food she consumes, especially canned and preserved foods, cause her internal organs, such as her liver and spleen, to enlarge. This, in turn, affects her speech and absorption abilities. It’s a sight no parent should ever have to witness.

Farah requires assistance in every aspect of her life. When she’s tired, she can’t walk, and we have to carry her, which is a significant strain on us. Due to our displacement, we share a public bathroom with over 30 people, causing Farah to wait for long periods, affecting her personal hygiene.

We were forced to abandon our home, and I lost my job, our sole source of income. We’ve exhausted most of our savings and now struggle to meet our family’s needs, especially with the cost of everything quadrupling. My parents, who have no source of income, also rely on us.

We need to leave Gaza for Farah’s sake and for the well-being of our family. However, rents in Egypt are high, requiring six months’ rent in advance, amounting to $300 per month. Each person’s coordination costs $5000. Additionally, we need an extra $5000 to cover our expenses in Egypt, including securing a laptop, office space, and rent until I can secure employment.

We reach out to you not as strangers, but as fellow humans. We believe in the power of humanity and the difference each one of us can make. Any contribution, no matter how small, can bring about a significant change in our lives.

Please help us give Farah and our family a chance at a better life. Thank you for taking the time to read our story


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