Care they need, Love they deserve

Fundraising campaign by Janice Lee
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"Care they need, Love they deserve" is a fundraiser for a local pet shelter in Selangor, Malaysia. The centre known as My Pets Haven, initially started out as a business for pet needs such as grooming and boarding which slowly turned into a pet adoption centre as the 63 year-old owner started rescuing dogs from the streets. The owner, Aileen Lee who has an immense compassion for homeless animals has personally rehomed more than 200 dogs in the past 8 years. She rescues and nurtures the animals until they are all fit to be adopted. Over the years, she has used her own personal savings to care for these dogs. The centre is now a little sanctuary for over 40 dogs. With that, you can imagine the costs Aileen has to cover for their vaccination, food, water and medical fees. You can lend her a helping hand by donating as much as you are capable of. A little goes a long way and it would help support her mission tremendously!


  • Janice Lee
  • Campaign Owner

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