My Mom’s operation and hospitalization

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Hi. My name is Cherry and I am knocking on your humble hearts to share your blessing with my mom. My mother is 59 yo diabetic patient who has a heart problem and kidney disease. She has been hospitalized numerous times in the past including being sent to ICU because of a possible heart attack. Since then her health depleted. Due to kidney failure, her body cannot excrete fluids anymore and that caused her to have edema and fluid build up in the lungs. She recently had three thoracentesis procedure to remove fluids in her lungs that causes her difficulty of breathing. More than 3L of fluids were drained in all. Now after ultrasound and xray , we found out that her lungs is again with fluids and chest tube/ thoracostomy operation has to be done to put the tube in place so her lung fluids will be drained continously and she’ll be able to breath normaly. Due to several hospitalizations, our financial capabilities was so affected that we are now having trouble buying her medicines and approve lab request during her stay here in the hospital. I just lost my job a month ago and all my savings were drained due to this. I can’t go back to work for now since I have to look after her.

I am hoping for your help to extend my mom’s life by helping us provide her with the best medical assistance she needs. Even if I wont be able to know you personally, I know that your kindness will go a long way. Thank you and have a good day.


  • Cherry Lou Lugo
  • Campaign Owner

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Cherry Lou Lugo
raised of ₱85,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities