My Marriage and Business is at Stake, Lack of Power. I need Solar Power to Boost Production

Fundraising campaign by Awele Udoawujo
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Recently, it has been tearful and stressful for me, my wife and two children. Things wasnt so bad until recently. I just checked my BP and its very high. I am trying hard not to think too much but I just cant. I dont want to die either and leave my wife and children in this cold world. Who will take care of them when I am gone? I just stumbled on this site and hope I can get help here. I need to get my life on track and it all starts with having enough constant power to power my business. I had a once thriving business, but with the present level of hardship and high cost of petrol, things seem quite un-sustainable. I cant even afford the salaries of my staff anymore. God has been my strength.

I had plans to go back to school to do my Masters, but for now, I have to pend that dream to make sure I raise enough to take care of my wife, my widowed mother and the education/welfare of my kids. I need your Urgent help.


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raised of $4,000.00 goal
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