My ex-boyfriend took my money and almost killed me

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Disclaimer: this is about domestic violence and abuse and may be triggering and not suitable for some people.

After high school, I got an amazing job doing what I love. 1 year after I had started my job, I met someone. He was such a gentleman and we started dating quickly after we met. Unfortunately, he showed his true colors after a few months went by. He would put me down, beat me, make me feel like I was nothing, and brainwashed me. We had already moved in together- with my money. He had a job but quickly quit so I had to make ends meet. He would take my money and go drinking with his friends and sleep with many other women. It’s safe to say we did not make many, if any payments on time.

I tried to get away but he would break my phone so I couldn't contact any of my friends and family. He wouldn't let me out of the house unless it was to go to work. Take all the money so I wouldn't escape, and GPS track me. If I did ANYTHING to irritate him, he would punch, kick, and beat me up. Some of the worst times were when smashed my head into the door frame, to which I still have a dent along my hairline. Head lock and throw me to the ground head first, causing me to lose consciousness. Punch me in the chest until I hyperventilated.

Fortunately, I am not in that relationship anymore but the physical and mental scars still remain.

I have not been able to get the proper mental care and counseling that I need because I cannot afford health insurance, medical, and check up fees.

The money that he took and the debts we made that I had to pay off BY MYSELF has created an endless ripple of debt. I live in the country side of Japan where rent is cheap, but so is the minimum wage, along with minimal job opportunities. In the midst of Covid-19, I work double shifts but it’s never enough to make a living and pay off the debts. It’s come to the point where the government wants to take possession of my belongings. If this happens, they will take my car which I need to get to work.

There are licenses I want, things I want to learn, and I want to start my own business but I am haunted by my past.

I'm 24y/o now, trying to get closure, start new, conquer my past, and become a better me. I need your support, it would mean the absolute world for me.

If you have any questions at all please feel free to comment.

Thank you so much for taking time to read this.


  • Cindy Sawada
  • Campaign Owner

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