My degree and crash free world dream

Fundraising campaign by mydegr
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Hi, my name is khaled Ali .I was born in Egypt .Since I was 5 years old, the automotive world had completely taken over my mind. The automobile gave us freedom to go wherever we want whenever we want, but this freedom came at a very high cost. According to the association for safe international car travel (ASIRT) nearly 1.3 million die annually in car crashes, another 20-50 million are injured or disabled and billion in dollars are lost in the process. These frightening numbers represent a catastrophe that is happening daily, and all of its victims died for nothing. They died in order to move from point A to point B simply faster than we naturally could which I believe is anything but acceptable. But these numbers won't scare me simply because I believe in the power of engineering. Engineering is the only discipline that can end this disaster. Already research is at full boost in the area of vehicle dynamics (the science that studies the forces that affect the vehicle while in motion and how the vehicle responds to them) and driver assistance systems. These researches provided us with systems like antilock braking system (ABS) and electronic stability control (ESC) which are now available in a wide range of vehicles. These systems succeeded in reducing the road fatalities and it is only the first step. My dream is to join these researchers in their research in the field of active vehicle safety that will going to save our children in the near future and will eventually lead to a crash free world.  Growing up in Egypt, I was academically challenged due to the unavailability of any high quality education in the automotive engineering field here in Egypt. So I sent my papers to several universities abroad, and thank god I was accepted in the Oxford Brookes university in the UK .This was an awesome moment but unfortunately it didn't last for long because the university fees and ultra high living cost will represent nothing but a nightmare for me and my middle class family . What made the situation even worse is that I am deprived from taking any student loans as I am a non UK/EU student.  So, I will have to ask for your help with any amount of money no matter how small and negligible it is in order to pay my university fees which is 12750 pound/year for an international student .With this amount of your money that you will be willing to give you can keep my dream of crash free world that lasted for fifteen years fueled. Despite it is described as "My dream", I believe it is a dream for us all and a vision we all love to see. Thanks for your help in advance.


T-shirt with crash free world logo

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raised of £12,750.00 goal
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