My Dear Mother

Fundraising campaign by Constantine Iliopoulos
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    raised of €20,000.00 goal goal
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Hello.. I am a 22 year old man living in a family of 4, my mother has been really sick for the past two years for multiple causes, including cancerous lymphoma, thyroid and some neurological condition that the doctors have yet to name... she has speech and movement problems and therefore can't do almost anything alone.. we are currently all unemployed because my sister is too young, my father needs to be almost all the time with her to help her around, and I've been running around barely doing odd jobs in a small town that has no job opportunities, I see my parents spending hundreds, even thousands of euros per month on medicine, travelling around the country to different doctors and hospitals, radiation therapies and speech therapy.. if only I could gather some money to give them so they could pay the bills more easily and maybe even be able to travel abroad and seek better help... thank you.


  • Constantine Iliopoulos
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of €20,000.00 goal
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