my crazy PTSD journey (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

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what caused my PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

. I was sexually abused from age 8 to 25 (and as a toddler I have vague memories)

. my ex emotionally, physically, mentally and sexually abused me for 9 years.

. a friend and I were drugged and raped by multiple men, we were only 14 years of age, when we came-to, two days & nights had passed.

. my Mum was killed in a car accident when I was 16.

. my Dad died in my arms with lung cancer.

. my Sister died of breast cancer.

. my dearest & closest friend of 34 years died suddenly without warning.

. on top of all that I lost my dog and best buddy in the whole wide world.

I have been in therapy for 2+ years now and it has really helped. my PTSD is severe but I feel better each day thanks to my beautiful dogs, without them I wouldn't be here today.


I hope to raise enough funds for weight loss surgery in 12 to 18 months time $50,000

I would love to own my own home again one day, that is my ultimate dream. a beach house for me and my three dogs.

I'm on a long healing journey and now its time to share with the world my life's story.

I want to be able to help other sufferers of PTSD and will donate part of what I raise to aid others on their journey.


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