Mobile App Project: Lluna

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I want to get funding to develop a mobile application. The application will be a network where managers from kennels or pet stores can create a profile to advertise the adoption or sale of the animals they own. At the same time, users interested in adopting or buying an animal can access to the app selecting the convenient specifications according to the kind of pet they are looking for: species, breed, age, coat color, price, location range relative to the user, etc. In order to monetize the application, both the seller and the buyer must pay a small amount to confirm that an animal has been adopted/ sold. The payment will add a confidence vote both to the profile of the seller and the buyer, which will make the pets advertised by the seller appear higher in the search engine and it will increase the reputation of both profiles. In addition, the application will have a news section in which products for pets of different brands will be announced, and each time a customer makes a payment when adopting or buying an animal, he may choose to upload a photo of them with the animal informing to their network of friends in the application that the animal has been adopted/ sold.

This app business is aimed to facilitate the information of the pets in kennels to their nearby population and, at the same time, make it easier to kennel organizations to be seen. I believe that my business idea can have a good impact on the pet selling industry, especially reducing the number of animals fostered in kennels. I have the motivation and the dream of developing and design it with the help of a group of experts in the future, but I don't have the money. I would appreciate any contribution or suggestion for making this project real.


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raised of €30,000.00 goal
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