Mission To Setup a Harvesting Machinery Sharing Platform for Poor Farmers

Fundraising campaign by Pramod Kumar
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Objective of this fund raising is to setup a platform that will provide all the Basic & Advanced Harvesting Machines to the Financially Weaker Section of the Farmers staying in villages. The Ideas is to setup a common place within a village that will allow sharing of the Cultivation And Harvesting Machinery With Its 3-5 Neighboring Villages On Zero Cost Basis.

This is a big mission and trust me, with your support this can change thousands of lives which comes under the below poverty line. I’ve seen the ground realities with my late grandparents who were staying in village located in Siwan District of Bihar (Risoura -Father’s Village and Sahlour-Mother’s Village).

Like us, all the farmers have many responsibilities which includes taking care of family having small kids, school going children, marriages functions, health issues, taking care of their cattle like cow, goat, buffalo etc.

The only difference is that they all are dependent on nature for their crop production. There is a large number of farmers in each village who borrows money for their farming and family needs but getting profit is not that easy. Due to climate changes and industrial development, life in cities must have gone up but the impacts of global warming are visible clearly to these farmers! Normal rain is a rare event now, every year these farmers face losses due to either heavy rains which results in floods or no rain that means no water in ponds, dry wells.

Image Source - Online News

Life of a Poor Farmer

Their days starts with their intensive hard work on real grounds wherein they cultivate land in hot sunny days, sow all the seeds, waits for the rain, and protects them in every season. And after months long wait, the farmers finally gets on the grounds once again for reaping their fully developed crops. This stage of harvesting is very difficult as they have to get everything done with their hands and traditional tools.

Now is the time when some farmers store them if they have space, some sells it out & pay their dues if there is a profit else, they keep on paying the interest in most of the cases. This makes them poorer day by day as many of these farmers ends up selling their lands for paying back money to the lenders. And once again they start the farming afresh either on their lands or on someone else’s as a daily wage labor with small income.

(Image source- Online New websites)

Now, it’s not really hard to imagine the pressure under which few of these farmers chooses to end their lives by committing suicide each year. I get upset with these incidents and I feel guilty for not being able to save their lives.

Therefore, I’ve setup this mission to provide free farming machinery to the poor farmers living in villages.

With your support we can achieve this mission & provide a better life to the farmers and their families of in the villages.

Please contribute generously to make this mission successful and share with family & friends.


I'm Pramod,35, I love playing with kids, listening & helping people. I believe in living each day of life to the fullest, by giving happiness to all.

I'm Pramod,35, I love playing with kids, listening & helping people. I believe in living each day of life to the fullest, by giving happiness to all.

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raised of $10,000.00 goal
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