Please Help Me Pay for My Recent Appendectomy

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When I do my solo prayer at night after I’ve put my kids to sleep, I always say “Lord, give me all the bad luck and bad karma. Give it to me, not to my family and especially my children.”We’ ve been through a lot of trials this year. To stay positive, I just asked for a sign that these bad things happening to me means that my father will be healed and that my family is always safe.

Four days ago God answered my prayer. My appendix ruptured on Saturday and I had an appendectomy on Tuesday.

I was a stay-at-home mom for my two children for 10 years. I wasn’t able to save enough money for myself. In recent years, my marriage failed and I do not receive any financial support for medical expenses

In June I asked for financial help for my Papa. Now I am asking for a little help for myself. Please allow me to take care of my young kids. Please help me look after my sick parents. Friends, I am asking for a little push to recover and stay healthy. My hospital bill was 203k which was paid through my Mom’s credit card. I don’t have medical insurance except Philhealth. I will look for another job with medical insurance coverage and other streams of income so I can continue my life insurance payments. This is a wake up call from God and He gave me a second chance. If you have a job for me, let’s talk.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’ll pay it forward, I promise.


  • Genevieve De Jesus

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