Mama Benz’ Knee Surgery (Php 300k)

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Please help Mama Benz walk normally again!

If you're reading this, we want to thank you already for the time you're willing to spend.

We are currently trying to raise funds for the knee surgery of our dear aunt Webina Maravilla a.k.a Mama Benz. It was unfortunate that her knee got dislocated when she slipped while in the bathroom. The surgery costs around Php 300k or $6,000 and she doesn't have the financial capability to pay for this kind of amount.

How does this work?

Should you decide to donate, you just need to click on the "Donate" button, and you will be prompted to key-in your payment details.

Where will the donation go?

Your donation will go to my PayPal account which is connected to this gogetfunding account. Since the donations are sent online, I can always send a screenshot of the amount I have received so far to everyone.


  • Aubrey Ian Alovera
  • Campaign Owner

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