Please support our family

Fundraising campaign by Gibson Muchori
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    raised of $650.00 goal goal
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My name is Gibson, and I live in central, Kenya. I am the firs born in my family among of 6 children. We were raised in a poor family and our mother passed away in 2019. Our father couldn't able to full fill our needs, and I moved to town in 2020 where I stated working as a gardener. I worked and managed to take one of my young brother, Samuel, and he went to high school. I was able to save and pay for his fees up to form 4. When he finished up his studies, I couldn't continue with my work because my contract ended. Then I got a job at chicken farm in central Kenya and sent Samuel again to the college, where he learnt welding.

Now I make homemade egg incubators. I still support my other young brothers and sister and my father because we still live at the village in central Kenya.Per day I get 3$ for food and other expenses. This is not enough to pay my bills and help my family.also we need a new shelter as our current is raining inside and we have no money.

Yours upport will be highly appreciated.thank you


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raised of $650.00 goal
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