Love Of Jesus Ministry

Fundraising campaign by Contact GGF
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Greetings to all In the name of Jesus from Love of Jesus ministry... We are doing work over here in pakistan. You know pakistan is a third world and developing country. Here people are suffering from poverty. In some area's people don't even have one times food. We have started so many projects like we are helping poor people here in pakistan, we are giving them food we are making shelter for poor orphans , n widows. we are providing them education.Because they are unable to support to get education so that we are providing them books uniform. we are providing the people of Pakistan the word of God through evangelism we teach them about the Love of Jesus. We are giving them training that how can u praise the most high Lord with true spirit. share your part in only few dollars like only one or 2 dollars for Gods work if you give in God name you actually giving to God not to the man And God will reward you back.Greetings to all In the name of Jesus from Love of Jesus ministry... We are doing work over here in pakistan. You know pakistan is a third world and developing country. Here people are suffering from poverty. In some area's people don't even have one times food. We have started so many projects like we are helping poor people here in pakistan, we are giving them food we are making shelter for poor orphans , n widows. we are providing them education.Because they are unable to support to get education so that we are providing them books uniform. we are providing the people of Pakistan the word of God through evangelism we teach them about the Love of Jesus. We are giving them training that how can u praise the most high Lord with true spirit. share your part in only few dollars like only one or 2 dollars for Gods work if you give in God name you actually giving to God not to the man And God will reward you back. Greetings to all In the name of Jesus from Love of Jesus ministry... We are doing work over here in pakistan. You know pakistan is a third world and developing country. Here people are suffering from poverty. In some area's people don't even have one times food. We have started so many projects like we are helping poor people here in pakistan, we are giving them food we are making shelter for poor orphans , n widows. we are providing them education.Because they are unable to support to get education so that we are providing them books uniform. we are providing the people of Pakistan the word of God through evangelism we teach them about the Love of Jesus. We are giving them training that how can u praise the most high Lord with true spirit. share your part in only few dollars like only one or 2 dollars for Gods work if you give in God name you actually giving to God not to the man And God will reward you back. Greetings to all In the name of Jesus from Love of Jesus ministry... We are doing work over here in pakistan. You know pakistan is a third world and developing country. Here people are suffering from poverty. In some area's people don't even have one times food. We have started so many projects like we are helping poor people here in pakistan, we are giving them food we are making shelter for poor orphans , n widows. we are providing them education.Because they are unable to support to get education so that we are providing them books uniform. we are providing the people of Pakistan the word of God through evangelism we teach them about the Love of Jesus. We are giving them training that how can u praise the most high Lord with true spirit. share your part in only few dollars like only one or 2 dollars for Gods work if you give in God name you actually giving to God not to the man And God will reward you back. Greetings to all In the name of Jesus from Love of Jesus ministry... We are doing work over here in pakistan. You know pakistan is a third world and developing country. Here people are suffering from poverty. In some area's people don't even have one times food. We have started so many projects like we are helping poor people here in pakistan, we are giving them food we are making shelter for poor orphans , n widows. we are providing them education.Because they are unable to support to get education so that we are providing them books uniform. we are providing the people of Pakistan the word of God through evangelism we teach them about the Love of Jesus. We are giving them training that how can u praise the most high Lord with true spirit. share your part in only few dollars like only one or 2 dollars for Gods work if you give in God name you actually giving to God not to the man And God will reward you back.


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