Sue Lithuania

Fundraising campaign by Justinas dirzys
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Good Day,

In first place I would like to say that everything I write it is true and only true. I am not a journalist or associated to any politics. I did not try to connect to Lithuanian newspapers cause it will be forgoten in few days by tv show „KK2“. It is Lithuanian Justice, The Police Department, Prime minister who was ex Police Departments chief. So I don‘t think we can trust any Justice institution in Lithuania. Past few years Lithuanian police is taking control over Lithuania. They taking control of innocent citizens surveillance, faking crimes, try to involve citizens to commit crimes by their supporters or faked ex-cons, organized crime are more in their hands than ever before. So I would like to talk about how police took control over organized crime andhow police regulate it. Most crimes were made in Europe were made by Lithuanian Police knowing it. I am shocked as you will be. I will try to start from the beggining.

Well my task is to Illuminate Europe‘s countries why lithuanians commit crimes. Organized crimes. House burglaries, jewelry robberies, GPS and car thefts.

Litterly lithuanian crime magnats don‘t speak any language except russian and lithuanian. They could never know about laws in foreign countries. It is too difficult to learn. So they get information from police where youngsters should „travel“ to make crimes and get what I call weak sentence. I can‘t go to specific details cause i think it may be not all correct so I will write main story. Police informs to most top criminals to go for example to Austria to invade houses to search for platinium statues from ww2 and gold bars or jewelry boutiques. Just to play youngsters they will be rich cause they are from pour families or alcoholics or parents with mental illness. Finland – burglaries in houses. Denmark- Burglaries in houses. Germany- GPS from BMW. For example here in Lithuania they start jail Belarus civilians here as valountiers. They drive here from Belarus to main Police stations. They get instructions what to be like in Lithuanians Isolated prisons. They get newspapers in russian language what to ask their cell mates. Belarus people make cases against lithuanians, against Europeans. Maybe they are spies. They could spy for Russia or whatever. This is insane. We have to watch for every European country, civilians. Lets take other example: norway. Police informers make connection to take loans from Norway banks on lithuanian citizens. It is hapening now. This is human trafficing. Yes that is correct. Norway‘s bank managers give loans to lithuanians who work there. Now half of pour guys work in norway just for others take loans on their names. Police involve in cybercrymes. They do not care about cybercrimes here unless the crime made in lithuania. Then you make crimes here they take you to custody and criminal police forbids to make crimes in lithuania. That‘s right. They tell to go to Europe. When police get news about you and what crimes you made from crime bosses they lock you up. Everything is connected. How many crimes solved in the middle of crime i say about lithuanians in germany, austria or any country. Lithuanian criminals bring good from Europe let them sell it and after that when they start to build houses or buy cars. They take everything and send them to sit in prison. Lithuanians take all profit from stolen goods and then put them in prison. It is not enough IN PRISON WHERE HE MADE CRIME. Europe pay for everything. When germany police comes to lithuania criminals already know. Lithuanian police is FRAUD. Europe should consider to make presents for Lithuanian police and start trial against it. When you have nothing and they offer everything you will go for it. Admit it lithuanians make crimes with traces what is not enought to catch them. So you may never imagine how smart is our police forces. They fool everybody. Law is rubish here in Lithuania. Police organized crime is threat to everybody. I ask to make changes. Come to Lithuania put your officers in our police force for few years. Don‘t let them teach you, they do it and everybody thinks Police works perfect. This is part of their game. Teach them how to work and treat people how it should be. Lithuanians are not criminals. Lithuanian Police made them criminals.Judges, Lawyers, procecuters are controled by Lithuanian government. We have censorship like was in soviet union. This is insane. I have fake case against me, I can't go to shop alone, they broke into my basement. I Showed all the world how dangerous country of Lithuania is. I want to take few lawyers and sue Lithuania. Can You imagine constitution court just established in 2019 for civilians. This is insane. Have a great day and thanks in advance. Justinas Dirzys hee are some links how it goes here


I don't really talk about myself. When I was a kid I cried when someone killed flies

I don't really talk about myself. When I was a kid I cried when someone killed flies

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raised of €70,000.00 goal
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