Let’s pay India’s National Debt

Fundraising campaign by Pulkit Popli
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India is in debt.

As per the statistics and financial data of Indian Financials, we see that India has a national debt of 2219.37 Billion US dollars, that is equal to 169293099726.00 Indian Rupees.

Currently, in 2020, India has a debt of Rs SIXTEEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY NINE CRORES, which is approximately 17000 crores in a simple language and the worst part is that it is increasing every year regardless of all the attempts by government to bring Black Money back to India from Swiss Accounts.

With this platform, if we raise the money to pay off our National Debt, it could be a huge relief for all the citizens regardless of their Caste, Gender and Financial Situation. It will provide a room for government to facilitate other necessary things instead of paying huge interests on their loans.

By 2021, it is expected to be a debt of 2449 Billion US dollars, as it is increasing by approximately 200 Crore INR every year.

Let's unite, and make India a debt free country. And this is not the first time someone has started this initiative, it has been done by Scott Soucy in the past. check her story: https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/one-mans...

For a country of 135 Crore people, it will not be a difficult task to pay off National Debt for less than Rs 19,000 Crore (as per 2021 expected increased debt).

Let's focus on the roots of the problems, which is money for India, to make it a better place to live. All we need to pay is Rs 140 (One Hundred Forty) per individual to reach Rs 19000 Crores.

We can pay Re1 everyday for next 6 months, or we can pay Rs 140 in one go. And it will make our lives easier and happier for the generations to come.


  • Pulkit Popli
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $99,999,999.99 goal
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