Let’s help the helpless and move humanity forward.

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I hope everyone is fine, but there are many around us who are very helpless. Let's introduce such a person and try to help.

The man you see in the photo is Aminur Rahman, 56 years old. Once upon a time there was land, money. But now he is very helpless. He has 3 daughters and 1 son. They got married and separated. Now he is spending his days With help from people when he is sick. He has been suffering from this leg for 20 years. He did not get any government support as a victim of politics. In this way, with heartache and body aches, the city goes back to the streets to get help. He cried as he spoke of his plight, and I could not hold back my tears. I have Taken him for medical checkup, the condition of the feet is very bad. Water comes out through the base of the nail. The doctor said that if the operation is done very quickly, it will be fine, there will be no need to amputate the leg, and if the operation cannot be done at the right time, then the leg may have to be amputated. About 5 lakh Taka is needed for the operation. With all of your help, he will recover. So I humbly request you to help him.

please donate him for save his life.

Many of us waste a lot of money and waste it. One day you donate some money and you will get peace of mind, it will be much better.

Let's help the helpless and move humanity forward.


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