June volunteers to help children of the Philippines

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In my quest to help 'make a difference', and having been moved by the plight of the children in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan, I very recently decided to join the Global Volunteer Network and volunteer my assistance to helping the children of the Philippines.


 On January 3rd 2014,  I fly to Manilla to begin a four week GVN placement in the Childrens Program within an impoverished community in the Romblon Province. I will live with a local family and  work directly with local children and assist the local childcare workers with all aspects of the program. This will include helping children with educational games, stories and play that teach important and varied concepts to do with the alphabet, colours, shapes, etc. I will provide both group and one-on-one comfort, care and attention to local children and may also be involved in helping with medical visits, hygiene education, mending clothing and generally being flexible and creative.  Of course I will be able to share my love of music and song with the children as well.


With only a few weeks to go before I leave, I'm seeking fundraising support to help cover the costs involved (program placement, airfares, travel insurance, vaccinations, daily living allowance).  The amount I need to raise to help me get there is $6000 USD (or $7000 NZD).  Donations of any amount will be gratefully accepted.


GoGetFunding Partner

  • Global Volunteer Network
  • Global Volunteer Network (GVN) and GoGetFunding have partnered to offer an online fundraising solution for its volunteers around the world. Over the past 9 years the Global Volunteer Network have built up strong ties with grassroots organizations and placed 16,000 volunteers. Check out the amazing programs on offer and support volunteers who will be helping communities in need around the world. If you are a GVN volunteer needing to fundraise, start your campaign now and select 'Global Volunteer Network' from the project category drop-down.
  • Visit website


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raised of NZ$6,000.00 goal
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