Feed and Empower the Needy

Fundraising campaign by islamic strength
  • US$0.00
    raised of $550.00 goal goal
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ISLAMIC STRENGTH has various charity activities for the Needy. This campaign aims to prioritize the necessities of the needy people and provide them what they need. Need of the poor people could be various type. Therefore this campaign includes the following charity activities and many more:

  1. Helping orphans and sick children
  2. Food bags and hand donation distribution
  3. Providing health services to sick and disabled children
  4. Masjids construction and Well digging
  5. Educate, Sponsor and Empower an Orphan
  6. Clothes, Books and etc distribution

and many more...

Donators have option to state specific requirements. If you want to support a specific cause/event that we don't gather donation, just donate to this campaign and mail us your requirement. Then we actuate and share the event photos/info with you

▪”Never will you attain good reward until you spend [in the way of Allah ] from that which you love. And whatever you spend -Allah is Aware”. [Qur’an 3:93]

  • Supporting this appeal helps provide aid to your brothers, sisters and many suffering families as possible across the Ummah

Note that:

1- Zakah donations is applicable

2- Sadaqah donations is applicable

3- gogetfunding could cut %2 administrative & payment processing fee.

=The Messenger of Allah (pbh) said, "He who takes care of an orphan, and the needy, will be in Jannah with me.

JazakumAllah Khair.

- Islamic strength

Serving the Ummah.


  • islamic strength
  • NG

Ummah initiative, Reminding, collaborating and fundraising for a good cause.

Ummah initiative, Reminding, collaborating and fundraising for a good cause.

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raised of $550.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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