Interfaith center for Puerto Rico

Fundraising campaign by Rev. Bryan Dieppa
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We are engage in these Charity Fundraisers primarily to increase the contributions of individuals and groups like you that are willing and able to contribute back to the community. Your charity will be building relationships and exploring new opportunities from various sources into a needed society. Our focus is to offer our community a new way of living legacy of peace and trust.

Hi my name is Rev. Bryan Dieppa (Reidoryoku). 2 years ago I started to conduct public teachings about interfaith virtues and morals on public exchanges (dialogue) with the people of Puerto Rico. Today a group of Spiritual Leaders have joined me to continue this goal. We soon Identified a need to plant an interfaith chapel and community center were the community can be united under the universal concepts of love, truth, compassion and tolerance.

Although there are many beautiful and safe destinations within Puerto Rico at the capital, San Juan, and some of the other big cities are not among them. Locals will tell you that the island is split into an aggressive and intolerant acts of violence that had make it a dangerous environment.

It is our goal to develop a sacred space were we can offer equal opportunity services to all persons without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

The following are 11 areas of focus were we would like to provide services to our community:

  1. Interfaith worship.
  2. Training for other into the interfaith concept: Seminary training.
  3. Strong bonds (family building) services.
  4. To promote enduring cooperation among spiritual leaders.
  5. Provide adult and children educational programs against violence, bulling, problem solving, and Health and Wellness Programs (yoga, meditation, relaxation, healthy cooking classes).
  6. Peace-center, conflict mediator, counseling and chaplaincy services.
  7. Weekly-held interfaith virtue and moral program for kids and youth.
  8. How to build home and community gardening.
  9. Prevention addiction dependency programs.
  10. Emergency relief services.
  11. Feeding program: hunger-relief services.

The planting of this interfaith center (chapel and community center) itself will be a great beginning to build and strengthen a new culture of peace, non-violence, reconciliation, cooperation and collaboration among the secular, religious and new ways of thought in Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico does not currently have any interfaith ministry, center or project, but there is a great need for it. Interfaith has many virtues and best practices to share to the wider society in which we live. Additionally, the center/chapel shall serve as a peacekeeping mediator for the community of the commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 

In dialogue, mutual understanding cannot be strengthened unless both convergence and divergence are held in a creative relationship. Interfaith dialogue is not based on a model of negotiation between parties who have conflicting interests and claims. Rather it sees its role as a process of mutual empowerment for the people involved. It is about engagement in public concerns and the joint pursuit of social justice, human dignity and constructive action on behalf of the common good of all citizens.

This year Puerto Rico is having its deadliest year on record as authorities struggle to control a rampant drug war on the U.S. Caribbean territory. We need different solutions to this real problem.

Your donation and assistance will make this project reality. Thanks, and may the Divine Source bless you and your family with long life, prosperity and peace.


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