I need to buy a family house

Fundraising campaign by Csaki Gergo
  • €0.00
    raised of €8,000.00 goal goal
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Hi guys,

So why I'm here? Because i need help, help to have my family house.

Why i ask for help? Now, in this pandemic world, my salary is smaller with 20%, i only made 300€/month, and my wife 250€/month, 550€ in one month, it's hard to put, to buy an house, you have to pay for the electricity, water..

Why we want to buy an house? We live in 3 in a small apartment, but, its hard to move with an small child.

We have some money, but we need help, to fund what we need, and i know, with help we can successful this.

If you want to help me, i will be very happy, thank you! God bless you and your family!


I'm 20 years old, simply worker.

I'm 20 years old, simply worker.

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raised of €8,000.00 goal
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