I beg for help to buy a computer

Fundraising campaign by Nofriadi Nofriadi
  • US$0.00
    raised of $800.00 goal goal
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My name is Nofriadi.

My job is a network technician in a private company.

My desire to understand in the field of networking is huge, but the lack of hardware and software in the office makes me study independently through virtualization applications.

Therefore I asked for help to be able to buy a computer with a price range of $ 800, to learn virtualization. Now I only have an Asus x455ld laptop for learning that the LCD part has broken, now I connect the laptop with a monitor to be able to use it, and the specs for running virtualization applications often wait a long time for the application to run.

The visualization application that I use for learning is:

1. eve-ng

2. Gns3

3. Proxmox

4. VMware Workstation

5. VT-X Windows 10

For those who help, I say thank you as much as possible


my name is nofriadi, I work as a network technician in a private company, I like learning by using virtualization applications,

my name is nofriadi, I work as a network technician in a private company, I like learning by using virtualization applications,

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raised of $800.00 goal
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