Human Rights

Fundraising campaign by Robert Dosa
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Robert's mission is to fight for human rights in a country where the law seems to be applicable only to the masses.

Here are a few facts that determined Robert to take action:

- Robert's grandparents have been fighting with the state for more than 20 years to claim their rights for the properties that were taken away illegaly by the government.

- The law process has been won a long time ago, in benefit of the grandparents, and the state doesn't seem to want to release these funds.

- Last year, they were supposed to receive the amounts of money that the state is due to pay, in exchange for the buildings that were destroyed by the government, but the state keeps sending the file from one city to another, to prolong the waiting time.

Funds raised will be used for hiring a good lawyer that can help to make justice in this case, and for other cases there may be, as there are many other people in this situation.


Healer, Artist, Author

Healer, Artist, Author

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