MeBeforeYou Project – Horse Rescue and Rehabilitation

Fundraising campaign by Julianna Strocka
  • zł0.00
    Donated So Far
Raised offline: zł65,000.00
Total: zł65,000.00
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Welcome to the

...MeBeforeYou Project...

It is possible for one idea to change the world it forward...

Going out this weekend?

If you and your friends have just one less beer each this weekend and choose to support our project by the end of the night you could have saved one horse from slaughter...

The price of 1 beer = 2kgs of a horse saved from slaughter

How many beers is 1 life saved from needless slaughter worth to you?

Your contribution will save a horse's life that can go on living for many years,

giving someone the joy of learning to ride or being a companion and aid through rehabilitation.

Horses Bred for Slaughter

You are currently viewing the Horse Rescue & Rehabilitation Programme section of the MeBeforeYou Project.If you would like to return to our main fundraising page then please CLICK HERE.

About the project...

Positive relationships are healing relationships. Trust, honesty and compassion are the three elements of a healing relationship. Being loved, respected, understood and connected to others, humans and animals alike, can have a profound effect on your mental and physical health.

The MeBeforeYou project was started for just this reason, to heal broken minds, broken hearts and broken souls and eventually to come out at the other side a survivor with a truly unbreakable spirit.

It all starts with our horses, who can't ask for help and most that make it here have lost all hope and trust in their human counterparts. We can help fix broken bones and external wounds, but fixing a broken soul takes time...

Our Horses

The current situation of horses destined for the meat trade in Poland.

One of the reasons this project has been created is because of our lifelong passion for horses and their welfare. The current situation in Poland with regards to horses being bred for the meat-trade is shocking. There are many groups, charities, organisations and people around the country that actively protest against the current legislation and for the law to change.

At the moment, all we can do is save the horses that we can, and we salute the various organisations that are doing the same.

...Pay it forward for those that do not have a voice...

We have chosen not to post the videos here depicting the treatment of the horses at these "trade fairs", the photos should speak enough for themselves.

The videos are available to view on our website should you wish to have a look.


The Horses

The fate of the white rope...

If there is a white rope on any horse at the "trade fair' then it means that it has already been bought by one of the many slaughter houses that come to these places to buy horses for meat export.

The price for these beautiful creatures? A per/kg price of however much they weigh.

So many are trying to help stop the slaughter already...

There are a few foundations and charities across Poland taking a stand and trying to save as many horses as they can. The Me Before You Project plans not only to join this fight against this cruel trade, but also to start taking it to a government level to create a change in the legislation. It's a matter of convincing politicians that a Worldwide outcry about the cruelty and conditions of these horses outweighs the revenue from the Horse Meat Trade. The more public we can make this situation the more difficult it will be for the governmental institutions to ignore the bad press.

Each and every one of our horses are unique individuals with very different personalities and have their own story that has ultimately led them here to us.

Once a horse has been fully rehabilitated and is mentally brought back to complete trust and unconditional love for humans then nothing would make us prouder but to see them go out into the World and make their own mark on someone's life.

...they have already paid it forward for a lifetime...

join the movement

Our Website

...for more information visit our website...

See the latest news, updates and events.

Our social media pages will be launching soon so keep checking in over the next few days!


Donate directly through our website

This is our Horse Rehabilitation Programme funding page and is for donations specifically for the horses.

  • If you would like to specifically contribute to another part of the project please visit our other gogetfunding pages below, or alternatively visit our site directly to make a donation for a specific part of the project.

How to donate towards the project...

Option 1

For any donations however small.

Via this website GOGETFUNDING.COM and click the donate now button!

You can either donate from this page or follow the links to our other pages below to donate to a specific part of the project.

Contributions for -

Emotional Healing Programme: LINK COMING SOON

More info: CLICK HERE

Horse Rehabilitation Programme: THE DONATE NOW BUTTON ON THIS PAGE

More info: CLICK HERE

Riding for the Disabled Programme: LINK COMING SOON

More info: CLICK HERE

General donations towards the Centre and its upkeep: DONATE NOW

More info: CLICK HERE

Option 2

For larger donations.

Via our own website directly to our bank account.

If you would like to make a direct deposit into our bank account so that we avoid the PayPal charges and crowdfunding charges then we would be very grateful.

Contributions for -

Emotional Healing Programme: DONATE NOW

More info: CLICK HERE

Horse Rehabilitation Programme: DONATE NOW

More info: CLICK HERE

Riding for the Disabled Programme: DONATE NOW

More info: CLICK HERE

General donations towards the Centre and its upkeep: DONATE NOW

More info: CLICK HERE


You can help by spreading the word about the treatment and live transportation of horses when they are being sold to European abattoirs at various "fairs" around Poland, by passing the message on, it will not only be a few sporadic voices that are being heard but a large outcry that is heard worldwide.





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Project Manager

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Donated So Far
Raised offline: zł65,000.00
Total: zł65,000.00

Help this ongoing fundraising campaign by making a donation and spreading the word.

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