Hope of Food

Fundraising campaign by Lawrence Choo
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Hope from the Kitchen

About Us

We decided to launch a campaign in 2024 to help the underprivilegedand disadvantaged to showcase their culinary skills on a dedicated online platform. Currently, many cooking platforms focus on using celebrity chefs to promote their platforms. We believe that the true art of culinary can also be demonstrated by people who are the disadvantaged in society.We have received encouraging responses from numerous individuals and non-profit organisation, who view such an opportunity as invaluable andaccessible to them.

Doing the Right Thing

Under the dedicated online platform, participants can demonstrate their culinary skills along with their recipes, showcasing step by step demonstration the cooking process, and thereby creating a meal plan for the platform user. Content contributors will have opportunities to interact with, and receive feedback from their supporters. Platform users will also getto support their favourite Content contributors in various ways. Users can actively note and offersuggestions for improvements. The cuisines nutrition and ingredients will be displayed to benefitthe platform users. Graduate chefs will also provide their profiles and share their life experiences including their life goals.

For A Good Cause

We hope that content contributors can learn from the constructive feedback received as well as being able to obtain some form of support from the platform users. By using the platform, the graduate chefs will gain confidence about their cuisines and improve their culinary skills. This will contribute to achieving their life goals.Our visionis that every person has the opportunity to achieve his/her fullest potential and consequently, able to participate in and contribute to the community at-large.

Challenges Ahead

Coordinating the project and liaising with project developers, content creators, contributors, project coordinators, video editors and including managing other miscellaneous expenses require tremendous efforts to make realising this project.As graduate chefs remain unknown to the public, many content contributors and partners remain sceptical of the progress and outcome of this project. Despite efforts to push for the project launch, the sustainability of the project is leftuncertain, as we are not able to secure a major sponsorship at this time. Nonetheless, we remain committed and will provide costs breakdown of the project donors and sponsors who are interested in this project.

GLOBAL CONFLICTS (Urgency of this Project)

According to the UN, 84 million people were forcibly displaced in 2022 due toconflicts, violence, and human rights violations. A the end of 2022, it was estimated that 339 million people require humanitarian assistance. In other words, one in 23 people on the planet need help in order to survive.In 2024 the world faces even more severe humanitarian crises, with multiple wars causing high death tolls and injuries.

Our team is hopeful that we could have the chance to participate in various post-war recovering activities by providing a point of light in the life-journey of the disadvantaged as they strive to improve themselves.

Basic Information On Budget

S$15,000 for App development by hiring an IT developer

S$15,000 for project coordination by hiring content creators and video editors, renting a studio, purchasing ingredients and other miscellaneous expenses. This does not include, transportation expenses to site as such expenses will be incurred by us.


The project is not a donation site. We aim to inspire life-long learning, advance knowledge, and strengthen our communities. Providing direct donation is not the way to help the disadvantaged who are capable of helping themselves with a little jump-start help.Our goal is help people “to fish and instead of giving the fish”.


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Linh Trương
raised of $10,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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