Hope for little Andra

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Hello,my name is Cosmin Andrei and I am from Romania.I come here searching for help for my little Andra.She was diagnosed with leukemia at the end of september last year. I sold my car and most of my valuables so I can raise money for my sweet daughter treatment.Until now she's done 16 chemo sessions(4days each in perfusions ) and 30 radiotherapy sessions,even if these sessions weakened her she's still an adorable angel.The treatments I done so far cost me roughly 9.500 euros but I still need 2000 that I can never get without help.My friends and family helped me but they can't do it anymore.I'm facing a financial crisis and don't know what to do to get these money. This is the first time I come asking for help on the internet.Please ,help my daughter ,help a loving father


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Raised offline: $350.00
Total: $350.00

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