Home for cats

Fundraising campaign by Batuhan Bulut
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Hi im Batuhan in Turkey. First of all im sorry for my bad english. In turkey humans cant respect to their pets or homeless pets. I saw helpful people; share own cats food to homeless cats, put water in front of door and love them in every possible moment. But also some bad careless people cut cats ears, make dirty their drink water, throw a cigarette and somekind junk to their food, kick them. But animals wants only love and some food. In winter i saw so much dead animal in street, most animal die because hungry and cold air. I want to a little funds from you, 1try or 100try its doesnt matter. Im a student and i dont have much money, but if i have money and i saw a little cat; im going to buy milk and wait until little cat finish milk. Or people kick milk box. I just want milk, food and a warm home for kids. I can make it with your helps. I promise to i will spend every funds for cats, if you want picture i will send it. If you want bill for your money; i will send it. Thanks for reading


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