Heroes for pets – Animal Shelter

  • US$50.00
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Our mission: Is to get a safe place for all the animals out there, alone, with no love, hungry and injured. We are firm believers that NO ANIMAL should be mistreated nor alone on the streets often facing so much hate and danger. We live in a world with so much evil, there are so many animals we see everyday injured by a car, KIDS beating them up, ADULTS beating them up and even killing them, probably they think animals can't feel? Well they do, and that is something we would like to change, we want to spread the word, to get this beautiful animals a safe place were they can run, be free, be healthy, with no hunger, no cold, no pain. For over the past 3 years we have been rescuing animals, some of them on trash bags, others on the side of the road, in a plastic bag on our door. Does not matter. We help those animals no matter what. Unfortunately we do not possess a big place for them to play, nor the right medication for the ill ones, not to mention the food for all of them. It is funny how a person can see that when you rescue one cat or dog or whatever animal, they assume almost instantly you CAN get all of the animals out there. Thats why we need your help! so they can have a place to sleep every day. We have been told so many times to get an Animal shelter because the amount of animals we have sometimes is so big, also we have been having issues with people stealing our cats to kill them, our dogs been killed by trucks or cars, or some other people stealing our cats to feed their dogs, so many things we as human suffer just because we love our animals so much, that the feeling of loosing our babies is the worst. Please help us so we can get a place to build our animal shelter and safe all the animals we can to get the off the streets!

We are ar this moment taking care of the name, and souvenirs of the Animal shelter so we can make some charity as well, also we are planning some other ideas. We currently are working on our social media, so you can keep up with all the stories of these lovely animals. Also every donor will get a souvenir of the Animal shelter! For you to be aware that we are thankfull for all the help! so it does not matter how much you donate! You will get your souvenir! You only have so email us the address were you want to recieve it! CONTACT EMAIL: [email protected]! You can as well send feedback, our any question you have! We will be more that happy to answer all your questions!



  • Wiktoria Forevel
  • Donated on Nov 23, 2016
  • I support you and I hope you'll be able to open your animal shelter soon <3


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Donors & Comments

1 donors
  • Wiktoria Forevel
  • Donated on Nov 23, 2016
  • I support you and I hope you'll be able to open your animal shelter soon <3



Destiny Hernandez
Donated So Far

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