Help the children of gaza

Fundraising campaign by nasreen ahmed
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"Hand for Gaza" campaign to support those affected in Gaza, the 2021 war In light of the conditions that our brothers live in Gaza, and out of our duty to them, we are presenting to you with the "Hand for Gaza" campaign to collect financial donations aimed at providing immediate and urgent assistance to those affected by the effects of the brutal war and its consequences. Until this moment, the death toll had reached 240 martyrs and thousands of wounded. More than 500 homes or facilities were destroyed in Gaza as a result of the aggression. We present to you with our initiative and our plan to help the most affected groups, except for the owners of destroyed homes and currently residing in UNRWA schools without any aid. Where an amount of $ 100 will be distributed to each family who lost their home as urgent assistance, as the amount will be disbursed through a reliable official authority. To be able to help most of the more than 500 affected families. We will not stop our endeavors to help our people in Gaza. We thank your trust and all who will contribute with us to this humanitarian campaign. Our campaign goals are as follows: 1_ Preparing a list of the families most affected by the war on Gaza, through our monitoring of the families who became homeless due to the war and are currently in UNRWA schools without bed or food. 2_ Distributing emergency relief $ 100 to the displaced families. With this small amount, families will be able to buy blankets and other essentials We thank you once again for your trust and we hope everyone will participate in our campaign by donating.


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raised of £35,000.00 goal
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