Helping Bali Stray Animals

Fundraising campaign by Rita Bennet
  • AU$0.00
    raised of AU$5,000.00 goal goal
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Many people go to Bali and see the dogs in the street and some of you feed them, some contact animal groups within Bali for help and then others just walk away thinking this problem is to big for them to help.

My story starts with many holidays to Bali over 20 years ,I have always spent my time rescuing however it was the worst holiday 2 years ago that has lead me to knowing this problem is huge... but I can help along with the help from others. If I can save 1 dog that is 1 less dog out there suffering from pain that has either been inflicted on them from others or pure evil diseases attacking these helpless souls.

The money that we are collecting is helping set up a dog sanctuary "Bali Dog Association" run by beautiful compassionate couple who are giving all there time and love to suffering animals. We are trying to give these dogs the much needed and urgent vet care they need to numb their pain, keep them safe and save lives where possible.

We will try to re-home to a loving forever home for those healthy enough and provide each new owner with a detailed guideline on how to properly look after their new companion .

All dogs that we can save will be vaccinated and neutered .

I also supply food and medication to street feeders to help the unfortunate dogs living on the streets.
I also have a safe house with 28 rescued dogs and a few cats that I support

Yes this problem is HUGE but we can make a difference.

Our goal is to help as many injured and sick animals as we can and our long term goal is that every Animal in Bali is treated with love and respect through education and support.

Unfortunately we can’t do this alone! That’s where YOU come in.

$5 is just a cup of coffee or a glass of wine but to these dogs it’s food it’s medication it’s a chance to get off the streets and go to a loving home, With every dollar donated we can help more, save more and home MORE Bali dogs!

Donations from just $5.00 will help our cause.


Saya sangat sedih melihat begitu banyak kasus anjing tak bertuan dengan berbagai masalah yang mereka alami, tertabrak mobil, di pukul manusia, ditinggalkan di rumah kosong, dan perlakuan lainnya yang sangat menyedihkan.

Saya juga membantu beberapa rescuers yang ada di Bali dan Croatia.


  • Rita Bennet
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of AU$5,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities