Help us to provide learning materials

Fundraising campaign by George Ohemeng
  • €0.00
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Why a Fundraise?

Purpose and aim being to provide and help the less privileged school children in the rural areas with the basic educational support and learning materials in the South Temale West Africa-Ghana. This is done to enable them to to learn and stay in school. These learning materials include books, textbooks, pens/pencils, shoes, uniforms etc.

We do this because per our research, the majority of the children in rural areas lack these basic learning materials and most parents to find it difficult to provide their children with them. Students go to school without books and uniforms to learn. This makes the learning experience an unpleasant one as their colleagues look better affecting their will to participate in the learning process and their confidence. Help us to reduce the challenges facing the education process in this sector.

The Goal

If we could raise 1,500euro we can provide 70 children with learning materials. Is a terrible shame that these hardworking and clever children go to school without learning materials and that is why we want to raise money to support them we want to support our community and so we are asking for help to raise funds to provide 70 kids learning materials

The funds raised will go directly to a dedicated bank account which will be managed by 4members of GC Foundation staff who will be identifying children in need and distributing the learning materials directly. There are no administrative costs all the work is being done voluntarily.

"We should give as we would receive, cheerfully, quickly and without hesitation; for there is little grace in a benefit that sticks to the fingers.” – Seneca


  • George Ohemeng
  • Campaign Owner

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