Help Us to Create Indonesian Cultural Encyclopedia Application

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Hello, all

We are a community that cares about culture in Indonesia, precisely in Yogyakarta.

Currently we are making a website-based information system, adroid, and Ios which is about the form of culture in Indonesia.

Why did we make that information system? Our country, Indonesia, is a large country consisting of 17,504 islands, 1,340 ethnicities, and a population of about 265 million people, and thousands of cultural forms, but we do not have a comprehensive information system to accommodate our cultural form .

Culture is the greatest asset of our nation that can unite us even though we are different. For this reason we want to create an encyclopedia of Indonesian culture so that our culture remains, and always maintained.

We make this indonesian culture encyclopedia using pure php programming language. Currently we have proceeded to make the system, and plan launching on 17 August at the time of our nation's independence day, Indonesia.

To make this encyclopedia we need big money. We will use the money to conduct research, socialization, purchase of infrastructure, and operational costs. As the first stage of making this encyclopedia, one year we need money of 120 million rupiah or about US $ 8600.

The encyclopedia will feature a form of Indonesian culture consisting of 9 elements, namely: religious system, knowledge system, community system, arts, livelihood system, living equipment & technology system, language system, food, and cultural tourism agenda. This encyclopedia will feature a cultural form in narration, photographs or pictures, videos, and directions to the location. The community can also play an active role to fill the content or do the editing.

Here we attach a screenshoot of the concept design of Indonesian cultural encyclopedia application system. We hope his willingness to help us realize the Encyclopedia of Indonesian Culture. For more informations you can contact me at +62 856 4198 4546 and email : [email protected]

Thank you


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