Help us get our stolen life back

Fundraising campaign by mariancristea
  • US$0.00
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Hello to you all.Starting from 2008 we got married hoping for a new beautifoul life.Two young people at the start of their life.After one year we lost our jobs for about 15 monts.It was a dark period for us.We had alot of depts to the bank.In 2010 we got jobs but the colaps country economy hited us.Our salaries decreased to minimum, so we started to cut all the expenses.In 2011 my whife brought me the greatest gift,she got pregnant.Sadly , because of the lack of money we had to give up our greatest gift.My whife was two monts in the hospital after this hard decision.  We live in a single room of 17 square meters and after we pay the rent and expenses our money for food is arround 100 US dollars maximum.  Now every hope and dream to have our own house and family is gone.The think that I am unable to give a decent life to my whife is killing me.It is unthinkable to see that you are financialy unable to have a family,children,your own place to live.  I appeal to you,all people with good faith.With this amount of money we can start a contract for a little apartment and hopfully try again to have our child.We just dream for a decent living and have a happy family.Thank you all


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