Help Rosa get back to life

Fundraising campaign by joy creator
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Raised offline: $20.00
Total: $20.00
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Many Moroccan dogs and cats live on the street, putting them at risk from disease, traffic accidents, and human cruelty. Rosa is one of these lovely creatures. She was hit by a car while crossing the street . We try to provide a shelter for her and these animals that are at risk, offering a place of safety, love, and care for the numerous dogs and cats we rescue. We also try to offer help to those who, sadly, still live on the streets. But without any state funding, we struggle.

I have so many costs—food, vet’s bills, medication, transportation, ongoing costs for the running of the shelter—the list is endless.

Here is a list of what we need:


This medicine is essential to helping our dogs with Leishmaniasis live a comfortable life with the disease. The disease is transmitted by sandflies and is a painful, slow degenerative disease which is normally fatal for the dog. Zyloric gives us the chance to choose between life and death for a dog with Leishmaniasis.

Cost of one packet: 6€ / £5.30 /$7.25


Vitamins are important for all our animals to maintain good health; therefore, they are a large ongoing expense for us. Good quality vitamins are especially expensive and really essential for the dogs who are malnourished or living with or overcoming diseases like Leishmaniasis or Parvovirus.

Cost of one packet: 7€ / £6 / $8.50

Donate 10 Dollars

5 lb / 2.5 kg of food

Donate 20 Dollars

20 lb / 9 kg of food

Donate 50 Dollars

100 lb / 45 kg of food

Donate 100 Dollars

250 lb / 113 kg of food


I was born and raised in the Mountains, I love nature and dogs

I was born and raised in the Mountains, I love nature and dogs

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Donated So Far
Raised offline: $20.00
Total: $20.00

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