Help Rohingya in Bangladesh

Fundraising campaign by Shamim Ahamed
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Raised offline: €89.00
Total: €89.00

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We have a team of our volunteers with local charities on the ground in Bangladesh just other side of conflict zones helping families. As a US and Bangladeshi’s we can fundraise internationally and get it directly to the local charities (Social Medical Services, Dhaka, Bangladesh) and volunteer groups who are helping on immediate needs of the refugees.

Please visit our facebook page

The United Nations estimates that over 425,000 Rohingya have arrived in Bangladesh since August 24. Mostly women and young children, huddle together under scraps of tarpaulin and plastic without food and water. In the cramped and filthy conditions, disease is widespread.

Mass exodus

Visualizing the scale of the Rohingya crisis

The goal amount was set in cooperation with the local charities and volunteer groups who helping locally on what is needed for the immediate needs of the refugees including food, water, medicine, shelter, etc.

Please donate generously for your brothers and sisters in need. With your help and in cooperation with the volunteers on the ground we can resolved the immediate needs of the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and secured a months’ worth of supplies on food, water, medicine, shelter, etc. We are now seeking donations for the ongoing Rohingya refugees crisis in Bangladesh.

We intend to go ourselves and be in the front line dealing with the victims is to make sure that 100% of the donation reaches the Rohingya people.

We have decided to give 100% of the money we have raised directly to the needy Rohingya Refugees.

Please follow our page

They have no house to live in.

They have no food to eat.

They have no clothes to wear.

They have no bed to sleep in.

They have no medication for their treatment.

Can I request you please donate generously for the Rohingya Refugees as you can see how they are suffering everyday.


  • Shamim Ahamed
  • Campaign Owner

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Donated So Far
Raised offline: €89.00
Total: €89.00

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