Help put Computer laboratories for rural schools to help them get better Education

Fundraising campaign by Robert Mocha
  • US$0.00
    raised of $10,000.00 goal goal
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I am a Kenyan based in western rural areas of Kenya . I have worked in South Korea, Singapore, Austria, Kenya and most resent in Sweden. I have done several projects to empower women and children. I am currently working on computer laboratories in Kisii Kenya where I buy refurbished computers then set up the computer laboratories for rural schools.

This computer program is empowering young women, poor African children from my rural area who wish to learn and cant access computers. Community based groups are using these computer labs to research online about health and various ways of combating poverty like learning the correct ways of farming, They are able to see how other communities have developed. By using the computer lab program they are able to learn different types of businesses and how they can improve their businesses.

The schools that I work with have allowed people from the surrounding to come and lean how to use computer and also they are able to use them to uplift the society.

In Kenya 70% of the total population lives in the rural areas and that's why this project is having a big impact to the society.This situation made me begin a computer program for schools in the rural village schools Nyanza region where I grew up. With my little savings I have managed to set up 4 computer laboratories in 4 different schools and I wish to do more with your support. I am looking to raise funds to facilitate the projects.

The amount will be used to buy refurbished computers, computer workstations and labor charges among other things.

The children, youths and villagers who have started using the completed computer laboratories already are having a big difference since every day they are learning something. The funds will be used to do more laboratories. I kindly request for funding so that I can do as many laboratories as possible.


  • Robert Mocha
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $10,000.00 goal
0% Funded
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